
Once John Montagu invented the sandwich few could have imagined that apart from its obvious culinary applications it will become a buzzword in the field of psychology and business communication.

The fact that the sandwich is omnipresent in so many aspects of our lives can sometimes deflect our attention from all too obvious shortcomings of the sandwich itself.




There’s been an ongoing debate about the best way to recruit new employees. Some say it’s all about well designed hiring procedures – from initial screening to shortlisting to detailed and multiple job interviews. Some claim it’s all about enthusiasm and the right personality match.

Still others prefer to actually employ candidates and ask them to work on a real-life project for a spell. What are the pros and cons of such an approach?




There are several things that don’t require much effort, such as blinking your eyes, flipping through TV channels or getting your wires crossed. This last one, though, despite being entirely effortless may generate much effort later on, when you’ll have to undo the damage done.

In order to get your message across in a straightforward manner it may be useful to get to know the limitations of modern day means of communication.




One of the most often given pieces of advice is to be passionate about what you do. However, it seems that passion and enthusiasm can sometimes work against you, especially if they come in too high amounts.

After all it’s common knowledge that too much of a good thing may not be such a good thing.




One of the things which distinguish humans from robots is that humans make mistakes and have flaws. What we often do to enhance our image is go to great lengths to mask or eliminate our imperfections.

Well, it turns out that to show that we’re great at something it may be a good idea to say openly that we’re not as perfect as it seems.

