Leonardo da Vinci once said that “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Albert Einstein concurred several centuries later and stated “[i]f you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
So, how can simplicity benefit your business?
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It is said that as far as making the first impression goes it’s 70 percent how you look, 20 percent how you sound, and… 10 percent what you say. Once you look at these proportions you will immediately recognise the importance of your body language.
Could it really be the case that if someone had a magical remote control and pressed the ‘mute’ button, we’d still be able to convey 70 percent of who we are just by looking and acting in a particular way?
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The vast majority of consumers today are very skeptical about advertising. Most of us pay no attention to commercial breaks on the TV, we get vexed by online banners, cookies creep us out, and whenever we hear that this and that product is the best we just shake our heads pitifully.
In an age of unlimited access to information and hyper-aware consumers, is it still possible to actually sell a product and make people buy into it?
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Ever since Bill Gates started Microsoft, Steve Jobs started Apple and Mark Zuckerberg turned social networking into a billion dollar business, hordes of young people have begun to question the value of college education.
Is dropping out of college really the way to fortune and fame? Or will it fast-track you to move back home and live with your parents?
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