
What kind of person are you: one who has techno joy, or one who has techno fear? Do you know how to cope with a computer which doesn’t see the printer? Do you know how technology will lead to Armageddon? Eddie Izzard will give you all the answers!



  • derive – (of a word) have (a specified word, usually of another language) as a root or origin
  • wipe – remove or eliminate (something) completely
  • come off – become detached or be detachable from something
  • swish – impressively smart and fashionable
  • taxidermy – the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals with lifelike effect
  • giggle – laugh lightly and repeatedly in a silly way, from amusement, nervousness, or embarrassmen


Think about it

Answer the questions below. Pause at times indicated in brackets.

  1. Briefly characterize the people who have techno fear. (1:09)
  2. What do the people who have techno joy do with the instructions? (1:52)
  3. Do you have techno fear or techno joy? How does it show?
  4. What does Eddie Izzard say about depiction of computer users in films? (3:24)
  5. Have you ever had similar problems with your computer equipment? How did you solve them? (6:24)
  6. What does Eddie Izzard say about the end of the world?


Think about it

Put the words in bold back into the sentences below.

swish    –    giggling    –    wiped    –    derived    –    comes

  • I must know how this works. I’ve used machines before. Come on! Come on! Come on! This bit ________ off, I think.
  • There are two groups – people with techno-fear, who are there going: “I’ve ________ the file? I’ve ________ all the files? I’ve ________ the Internet?”
  • Everyone on films is so ________ on computers. B-der, b-der, b-der, dee, dee, dee. So expert on their computers. Breaking into the Pentagon computer. Double-click on ‘Yes’.
  • That’s where it all ends. The book of Revelations has got Armageddon. That’s Australian for “Armageddon outta here, it’s the end of the world!”. That’s where it ________ from.
  • And the whole world goes. Which will be interesting. But if it does go, I think I’ll carry on ________, cos I quite like it.


What’s the difference between saying:

  • If the world goes…
  • If the world does go…


Explore it more
