The Internet is full of useful bits of advice. They’ve come to be known as “life hacks”. Apparently, some of them work and some don’t. Let’s take a look at a couple of those to see if they may come in handy.
Do you know any useful life hack?
- debunk – expose the falseness or hollowness of (an idea or belief)
- amplify – increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier.
- fitted – made or shaped to fill a space or to cover something closely or exactly
- dental floss – a soft thread of floss silk or similar material used to clean between the teeth
- scoop – a utensil resembling a spoon, with a short handle and a deep bowl, used for removing dry or semi-solid substances from a container
- dispenser – an automatic machine or container which is designed to release a specific amount of something
- crust – the tough outer part of e.g. a loaf of bread.
- double (as sth) – be used in or play another, different role
Think about it pt. 1
Before you watch the video decide if the statements below are true or false.
- A toilet paper roll amplifies the sound of your smartphone speakers.
- You can lean your phone against sunglasses to make it more comfortable to watch video.
- A laptop charger can help you open a bottle of soda.
- A hammer and a nail comes in handy when you don’t have a corkscrew.
- If you want to prevent a straw from rising in a can, you need to insert it through the tab.
- It is possible to seal a packet of chips without a chip clip.
- It is possible to turn a bag of chips into a chip bowl.
- You can use a wooden spoon to stop water from boiling over.
- It’s possible to fold a fitted sheet into a perfect square.
- You can easily slice cherry tomatoes if you put them between two Tupperware lids.
- If you want to cut an onion without crying you need to be chewing gum at the same time.
- A drinking straw can be used to stem a strawberry easily.
- Unscented dental floss is useful for cutting cheese.
- Opening a jar can be facilitated with the help of duct tape or electrical tape.
- A knife can easily replace an ice cream scoop.
- A soda cup can be turned into an amplifier when cut into two.
- A stick of spaghetti can save you from accidental burns in some situations.
- A bottle of TicTacs is designed to serve as a dispenser.
- A plastic bottle and egg yoke can work in tandem for some purposes.
- Some takeaway boxes can be easily turned into paper plates.
- It is possible to keep a reheated pizza’s crust crispy even in a microwave oven.
- Some types of food can double as fire kindling.
Now watch the video and check your answers.
Think about it pt. 2
Answer the questions below.
- Which statements were you right about?
- Which life hack was the most surprising to you? Which one do you regard as the most helpful?
- How can you seal a packet of chips without a chip clip?
- How can you use a plastic bottle to separate egg yoke?
- Do you know a better way to keep a reheated pizza’s crust crispy?
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