
It takes a lot for a leader to be a great and inspirational one. One of the traits such leaders share is… vulnerability. However, when we come to think of what vulnerability really is it may be hard to actually put our finger on its components.

The researcher-storyteller Brene Brown has attempted to measure and define vulnerability, and her efforts have been appreciated by more than 9 million viewers so far.




Have you ever wondered what future holds for the workforce? What our offices will look like? What jobs will we have? Or will we actually be replaced by robots?




What happens when we teach a computer how to learn? Technologist Jeremy Howard shares some surprising new developments in the fast-moving field of deep learning, a technique that can give computers the ability to learn Chinese, or to recognize objects in photos, or to help think through a medical diagnosis. (One deep learning tool, after watching hours of YouTube, taught itself the concept of “cats.”) Get caught up on a field that will change the way the computers around you behave … sooner than you probably think.




We live in a world of unseeable beauty, so subtle and delicate that it is imperceptible to the human eye. To bring this invisible world to light, filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg bends the boundaries of time and space with high-speed cameras, time lapses and microscopes. At TED2014, he shares highlights from his latest project, a 3D film titled “Mysteries of the Unseen World,” which slows down, speeds up, and magnifies the astonishing wonders of nature.




Throughout human evolution, multiple versions of humans co-existed. Could we be mid-upgrade now? Juan Enriquez sweeps across time and space to bring us to the present moment — and shows how technology is revealing evidence that suggests rapid evolution may be under way.

