
We negotiate all the time at work — for raises, promotions, time off — and we usually go into it like it’s a battle. But it’s not about dominating, says organizational psychologist Ruchi Sinha. It’s about understanding your needs and the other person’s. Her three key steps will help you master this essential skill.







  • to brandish – to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner
  • to thrive –  to grow or be successful
  • ripple effect – a situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects
  • to lay out  – to explain or present sth clearly
  • misstep – (AmE) a mistake


True or False?


1. Negotiations are not about showing off who’s more powerful.

2. Negotiation boils down to building a relationship.

3. Relationships don’t flourish when people are in agreement.

4. According to the speaker everybody ponders (before negotiations) over their bottom line.

5. When negotiating a salary in a new job, compare it to your previous earnings. That’s the only way of measuring how good, accurate it is.

6. Defensive pessimism is about thinking what problems you might encounter (when negotiating).

7. The fact your request is turned down doesn’t mean you’re worthless.

8. Being thoughtful and considerate helps if you want someone to comply with your request.

Key: 1T; 2T; 3F; 4F; 5F; 6T; 7T; 8T


Practice Makes Perfect

Read the article and fill in the gaps with the words in bold below:

quoted                       displeased                  pull off                                haggling

gaining                       needle                        concessions                high-stakes                        handling

There are plenty of standard methodologies and techniques people rely on when it comes to 1. ……….. negotiations, in everything from 2. ………… over a yard sale purchase all the way up to buying a company. (…)

Through my own experience, I’ve come to rely on a simple three-step process that delivers almost every time: Flinch, reflect, and go silent. While each of these techniques alone can help move the 3. ………. in a negotiation, the real magic happens when you layer them all together.

Let me explain how it works–and how you can use it to gain some significant 4. …………. in your next negotiation. (…)

When someone shares a price with you, you’re better off by displaying some kind of “flinch”–perhaps reacting as if the person somehow slapped you. My preference is to make some kind of verbal response, saying “oomph” or sucking air through my teeth to indicate my physical displeasure at hearing that price 5. ………….. .

After showing your physical displeasure with the initial quote, your next move is to repeat back to that person what they said in a way that reinforces how steep you think it is. (…) The point is to communicate how shocked and 6. ………… you are by the price they are quoting to you.

The last step in negotiating for a better price is to go silent. Be warned: This is extremely uncomfortable for both you and the other party. (…)  One tip that I use is that I will literally bite my tongue (softly) to ensure that I don’t break the silence. The prior two steps set up this powerful final move in 7. ………… a concession.

If you can 8. …………. these three steps–flinch, reflect, and go silent–you’ll find that you can win some significant concessions from the person you are negotiating with. (…) deals can range from the small and insignificant like a yard sale coffee mug all the way up to a 9. …………. negotiation to buy a company.

In order to check your answers, go to: https://www.inc.com/jim-schleckser/the-3-moves-to-make-in-every-negotiation-flinch-reflect-go-silent.html




  • Do you like bargaining?
  • When was the last time you negotiated sth?
  • Do you always do your homework before entering into negotiation?
  • Are you always prepared to give and take when negotiating?
  • Do you try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes?
  • Have you ever walked away from the table?
  • What’s your favourite negotiation technique?



Explore it more to create your own teaching-learning experience!


Dualism: An Approach To Crush (= perform well in) Your Next Negotiation


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