The new science of happiness needs some historical perspective
- to account for – if something accounts for a particular fact or situation, it causes or explains it
- treadmill – any type of repeated work that is boring and makes you feel tired and seems to have no positive effect and no end
- forethought – a thinking or planning out in advance
- spice – something that makes something else more exciting and interesting
Now decide if the sentences below are True or False?
1. You’d never opt to earn less money.
2. We are happier due to the fact average incomes have more than doubled since 1950.
3. We compare ourselves to others hence our desires don’t correspond to what other people have.
4. Satisfaction doesn’t arise unless you take responsibility for your own actions.
5. If awesome things happen to us repeatedly, their awesomeness increases.
6. According to the article married couples get used to daily routine even if it’s pleasant.
Key: 1F; 2F; 3F; 4T; 5F; 6T
Practice Makes Perfect
Watch the video.
Now answer the questions:
- What des the speaker mean by: “efficiency can be a cult”?
- Why did the speaker feel shame having taken a different route to work?
- Why are mapping apps the ”game-changer”, according to the speaker?
- What changed in the way the speaker did his research?
- What kind of project did the speaker start working on together with Yahoo Labs?
- What makes you happy?
- What’s the difference between ”happy” and ”lucky”? Do you consider yourself a lucky person?
- Do you agree with what Einstein’s words: “Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
- “Wonderful things are especially wonderful the first time they happen, but their wonderfulness diminishes with repetition.” Do you agree?
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7 rules for making more happiness
Using simple, delightful illustrations, designer Stefan Sagmeister shares his latest thinking on happiness — both the conscious and unconscious kind. His seven rules for life and design happiness can (with some customizations) apply to everyone seeking more joy.