and decide if the sentences below are
True or False?
1. Advertisers often deliberately confuse or mislead us about the connection between colors and the mind.
2. Our personal experiences, upbringing, cultural differences don’t have an effect on how we perceive colours.
3. Researchers have discovered that only minority of us would make a decision to buy something without careful thought because we like the colour of it.
4. It’s been found that our perception whether a given colour is congruous with the product being sold is also of considerable significance.
5. When choosing your brand’s primary color palette, you’d opt for tints of colors (colors with white added) to appeal more to men.
6. It comes as no surprise that the more original a product name is, the more willing we are to buy it.
Key: 1.T; 2F; 3F; 4T; 5F; 6F
- to muddy – to confuse
- vapid – showing no intelligence or imagination
- to fret – to feel or express worry, discontent,etc
- rugged – strong and designed to last a long time, even if it is treated roughly
- entrenched – established firmly so that it cannot be changed
- disparity – a great difference
- top-tier – of the highest level
- hue – (a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc. of) a colour
- starkly – in a way that is unpleasant, real and impossible to avoid; completely
- to debunk – if you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false
Practice Makes Perfect
Watch the video (00:45- 2:56) and fill in the gaps in the extract below:
The Halley’s Comet opal is a 1. ……., but its 2. ………. is, paradoxically, the most usual thing about it. While diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and other precious stones are often indistinguishably similar, no two opals look the same, thanks to a characteristic called “play of color.” This shimmering, 3………, dancing display of light comes about from a confluence of chemistry, geology, and optics that define opals from their earliest moments, deep underground.
It’s there that an opal begins its life as something surprisingly 4. ……..: water. 5. ………. down through gaps in soil and rock, water flows through sandstone, limestone, and basalt, picking up a microscopic compound called silicon dioxide. This silica-enriched water enters the 6. ……. inside pieces of volcanic rock, prehistoric river beds, wood and even the bones of ancient creatures. Gradually, the water starts to 7. ……. , and the silica-solution begins forming a gel, within which millions of silica spheres form layer by layer as a series of concentric shells. The gel ultimately hardens into a glass-like material, and the spheres settle into a lattice structure. The vast majority of the time, this structure is 8. …….. , resulting in common, or potch, opals with unremarkable exteriors. The tiny, 9. ……… percentage we call precious opals have regions where silica beads of uniform size form orderly arrays. So why do those structures produce such 10. ……. displays? The answer lies in a principle of wave physics called interference. For the sake of simplicity, let’s look at what happens when a single color of light— green, with a wavelength of 500 nanometers— hits a precious opal. The green light will 11. …….. throughout the gemstone and reflect back with varying intensities (…).
Key: 1. marvel; 2. uniqueness; 3. dazzling; 4. abundant; 5. Trickling; 6. voids; 7. evaporate; 8. haphazard; 9. mesmerizing; 10. vibrant; 11. scatter
- Have you ever been in a situation when you turned beet red?
- Have you ever had a part of your body black and blue?
- Have you ever blacked out for a few seconds?
- Think of the last time you felt green with envy.
- The truth is not always black-and-white. Do you agree?
Explore it more to create your own teaching-learning experience!
How Lizards Get Their Spots
Each scale on an ocellated lizard coordinates its color with its neighbors