
Intelligence helps you get ahead, but it can also trip you up in big ways, psychologists and researchers warn.





Read the article:


and decide if the sentences below are

True or False:

1. The number of online articles promising to make one smarter far outweigh the number of other articles.

2. People are anxious whether their intelligence will suffice to attain their goals.

3. Unless you want to pursue your career in esoteric academia, exceptional intelligence can be an obstacle.

4. It’s highly unlikely that one will come acros a talented person who’s unhappy.

5. A high IQ doesn’t gurantee infallibility.

6. A clever person would steer clear of situations in which he/she wouldn’t feel bright enough. 

7. According to Boyes, if one strengthened his/her weaker skills, they’d intentionally prevent their success.

Key: 1F; 2T; 3T; 4F; 5T; 6T; 7F


  • to trip sb up – to cause someaone to make a mistake
  • a chink in someone’s armour – a weak point where someone can be attacked
  • to plague – to cause worry, difficulty to someone over a period of time
  • thwart – to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
  • adulation – extreme or excessive admiration or flattery


Practice makes perfect

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

1. Why did the two psychologists design a test for children in 1905?

2. What’s ”g factor”?

3. How was an IQ test used in the USA during WWI?

4. What erroneous claims were made under the influence of eugenics?

5. What happened in 1924 in the state of Virignia?

6. What was the Flynn Effect? How was the phenomenon explained?

7. How do psychologists use IQ tests today?


  • Does intelligence run in the family?
  • Does school make a person more intelligent, in your opinion?
  • Would you say intelligence makes people more attractive?
  • Do you think scientists will create Artificial Intelligence that is greater than human intelligence?
  • Who do you consider the most intelligent person you know?
  • Is there anything that insults your intelligence?


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