
You might think it will feel good to physically express your anger, but research says it’s more likely to leave you feeling even worse.

Read the article:


and decide if the sentences below are true or false:

1. Few people turn to physical activity to release anger or frustration.

2. Anger activates the fight-or-flight response, leading to higher levels of cortisol and adrenaline.

3. Physically stimulating activities were found to reduce feelings of anger in a meta-analysis.

4. Meditation is the most effective method for reducing anger and frustration.

5. Intense cardio exercise have amplified negative emotions in the author’s case.

6. Negative emotions are natural but can also indicate a need for change in one’s life.

7. Focusing on improving the situation will not affect your stress response.

8. Physical activity always worsens negative emotions.

Key: 1. F; 2. True; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T; 6. T; 7. F; 8. F


  • wind up – to find yourself in an unexpected and usually unpleasant situation, especially as a result of what you do
  • linger – to continue to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected
  • vasoconstriction – the narrowing of blood vessels


Practice makes perfect

Watch the video (00:00-1:21) and fill in the gaps in the video excerpt below:

Anger is a complicated emotion. It can feel reasonable and 1. …………. or impulsive and 2. ………….. . But is it ever morally right to be angry? And if so, when? One of the most foundational understanding of anger comes from the Greek philosopher Aristotle who proposed an idea called ”the doctrine of the mean.” In this model, there’s a sweet spot  for our actions and emotional reactions, and it’s up to you to develop practical wisdom about when you should feel 3. .……… and how strongly to feel it. For example, let’s say you’re going to sleep early because you have an important meeting tomorrow and your neighbour just started 4. ………………….. music. If you can’t sleep, you might 5. ………. your meeting, so feeling angry is definitely 6. ………………. . But how much anger should you feel? And what actions, if any, should you take? To answer these questions, Aristotle would need to know more details. Have you 7. ……………. talked to your neighbour about this issue? Is it a reasonable time to be playing music? Is your neighbour trying to 8. ………….. you, or are they just enjoying their evening? 9. …………….. on practical wisdom in Aristotle’s case-by-case approach makes a lot of sense for navigating interpersonal conflicts. But what about when there’s no one to 10. …………… for your anger? (…)

Key: 1. righteous; 2. uncontrollable; 3. what; 4. blasting; 5. botch; 6. understandable; 7. previously; 8. antagonize; 9. relying; 10. blame


  • What are you like when you are angry?
  • What’s the angriest you’ve ever been?
  • What happens when you bottle up your anger?
  • Is it easy for you to control and hide your anger?
  • Elizabeth Kenny said: “He who angers you conquers you.” What do you think she means by this? Would you agree?


Watch and revise!

Mastering Anger – from Rage to Relaxation.

