
Dig into the history of Election Day in the United States, and how voting on Tuesdays affects voter turnout.


Before you watch, fill in the gaps in the video extract with one missing word:


I want to tell you all about a piece of American history that is 1. ……….secret, that nobody 2. ….. done anything about it for 167 years, until right now. And the way that we’re going to uncover this vestigial organ of America’s past 3. ….. by asking this question: Why? As we 4. ……. know – we are in the middle of another presidential election, hotly contested (…). But what you 5. …… not know is that American voter turnout ranks near 6. ….. bottom of all countries in the 7. …….. world, 138th of 172 nations. This is the world’s 8. ……. famous democracy. So… Why do we vote 9. …… Tuesday? 10. …….. anybody know? (…) Here’s the answer: Absolutely 11. ……… good reason whatsover. I’m not joking. You will not find the answer in the Declaration of Independence, 12. ……. will you find it in the Constitution. It is just 13. …… stupid law from 1845. In 1845, Americans traveled 14. …… horse and buggy. (…) It took a day to get to the county seat 14. ….. vote, a day to 15. ……. back and you couldn’t travel on the Sabbath, so, Tuesday it was. (…)

Now watch the video and check your answers:

Key: 1. so; 2. has; 3. is; 4. all; 5. may; 6. the; 7. entire (whole); 8. most; 9. on; 10. does; 11. no; 12. nor; 13. A; 14. by;14. to; 15. get




  • vestigial – being a small remaining part
  • buggy – a small motor vehicle, typically with an open top
  • have someone stumped – to be too difficult for someone to solve or answer
  • yet – nevertheless, however
  • on the verge of – likely to happen or begin very soon


Practice makes perfect

Read the article:


and match:


a) concern


b) hand

3. top

c) choice

4. stark

d) stakes  

5.(have) the upper


6. high

f) sign

Key: 1e); 2f); 3a); 4c); 5b); 6d)



  • What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘voting’ or ‘elections’?
  • Do you feel like you are doing something really important when you vote?
  • Do you vote every time you can?
  • Does being able to vote mean your country is democratic?

Watch and revise!

Why do Americans vote on Tuesdays?







