
You may have a head full of brilliant, disruptive ideas but if you’re unable to communicate them to the right people your ideas will slowly fade into oblivion. How to make sure that your voice is not drowned out by millions of others? How to see to it that your messages get exactly where you want them to get?

Check out: Get the Right People to Notice Your Ideas 





  • emphasize – give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing
  • obscurity – the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant
  • painstaking – done with or employing great care and thoroughness
  • overnight – very quickly; suddenly
  • cautionary – serving as a warning
  • odds – the chances or likelihood of something happening or being the case
  • endorse – declare one’s public approval or support of


Think about it 

Answer the questions below.

  • How can professionals share their ideas and define their brands?
  • What are some common factors that discourage people from writing blogs?
  • What example does the author use to “prove his cautionary note wrong?”
  • How can you proactively share your articles?
  • Which of the three strategies do you find most useful?


 Practice makes perfect

Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses and forms.

The email ________ (arrive) the day after a speech I ________ (give) in London. “You ________ (definitely give) me some food for thought about my career trajectory, and how to use branding to my advantage,” an executive at a management consulting firm _______ (write). In my talk, I ________ (emphasize) the importance of content creation — blogging, videos, podcasting, or even the creative use Twitter — in enabling professionals to share their ideas and define their brands. “But,” she ________ (ask), “what advice ________ (you have) for making sure that anything you do ________ (read) by the right people?”


Replace the words and phrases in bold with the ones used in the original article.

  • Taking into consideration the seemingly abysmal ROI, isn’t it better to invest your time elsewhere?
  • Many top executives belong to this category; it means they’re likely to be paying attention to who is retweeting or messaging them [. . .]
  • Soon enough, you won’t need to be discovered; the right people will already know who you are.


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