but that wouldn’t be possible without social media.

‘Powering the world with clean energy is common sense,’ Branson wrote. Here’s what’s behind his comments.

Despite insurers’ retrenchment in California, the onus is still on them to make their claimants whole, an insurance industry watchdog says.

There is a question that has been tossed around by philosophers and art critics for decades: how much should an artist’s intention affect your interpretation of the work? Do the artist’s plans and motivations affect its meaning? Or is it completely up to the judgment of the viewer?

One day around 850 CE, a goatherd observed that his goats started acting abnormally after nibbling on some berries. The herder tried them himself, and soon enough, he was just as hyper. As the story goes, this was humanity’s first run-in with coffee. So, how did coffee go from humble plant to one of the world’s most consumed beverages?
